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Cillian Murphy BLAG magazine cover photography Sarah J. Edwards Art Direction Sally A Edwards

BLAG Magazine Vol.2 Nø 5: Cillian Murphy / Kim Gordon


Only two editions available

Dive into the exclusive, inspiring and humorous world of BLAG. This beautiful coffee table magazine features some of the finest musicians, artists, creators and actors, many interviewed and photographed by BLAG’s creators, British Twins Sally A. Edwards and Sarah J. Edwards. Get inside creative minds with official stories and intimate photoshoots. A must for any aspiring creatives and lovers of music, art, culture and entertainment.Price includes standard shipping


    BLAG Vol.2 Nø 5

    Cover: Cillian Murphy

    Theme: Women on Men

    Featuring: Cillian Murphy, Fiona, K’Naan, Jamie Cullen, Robert Delamere, Jonathan Tucker, Alister Doomington, Oakley, José Parlá, Big Gipp, Kim Gordon, Fashion: L’Arte Nello Sport, Rebel Boys, Rubberband Girl, Ten Essential Tips For A Successful Date by Lily Allen, Q&A Men with Scott King, Phoenix, Talib Kweli, Mike Giant, Phil Frost, Lupe Fiasco, Kenzo Minami, David Foldvari, Yacht Associates and more. 


    100 Glossy Pages

    Size: 23cm x 30cm x 0.5cm

    Weight: 450g

    ISSN: 9 771366 452017 15

    Published in 2007


    Print media is non-returnable and non-refundable. If for any reason your purchase is delayed in arriving, please notify our team who’ll be glad to assist. Should your product not arrive in perfect condition, please send photographs of the edition and any damaged packaging by email by replying to your order confirmation within 30 days of receipt.


    We ship magazines every two weeks. Shipping estimated 1-2 weeks via regular post. This is included in the price. This item is tax exempt. EU Customers, please accept our apologies, we aren't currently shipping products to EU countries.

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Production & Returns Information

All BLAG products are made-to-order. 

Production Timeframes:

Please allow a minimum of approximately 10 working days for production of any orders, unless stated on product pages. Everything is made-to-order. Orders are often handled directly by Sarah and / or Sally. You will receive an email notifying you of when your order is ready to ship with information. 

Thank you.


Non-returnable items include printed matter, made to order and custom created goods and perishable goods. You can read more details in our FAQs. However, in the unlikely event your order arrives faulty or not as described, please follow instructions here.

Shipping Fees

Packaging, Handling and Shipping Fees Per Order

All orders are shipped using tracked or Royal Mail standard services, once production has been completed and orders are properly packaged and labeled. 


Tracked Service: Estimated Timing after production is completed: 6-7 business days. £9

Standard Service: Estimated Timing after production is completed: IRO 10 business days. £6


Tracked Service: Estimated Timing after production is completed: 6-7 business days. £28

Standard Service: Estimated Timing after production is completed: 5-10 business days. £12


Please note duties / taxes aren't included in fees charged by BLAG. Please be aware you may be required to pay additional fees upon receipt in your country. 

Thank you.

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