BLAG Magazine Vol.2 Nø 7: James McAvoy / Amy Winehouse / Janelle Monae
Very rare editions
Dive into the exclusive, inspiring and humorous world of BLAG. This beautiful coffee table magazine features some of the finest musicians, artists, creators and actors, many interviewed and photographed by BLAG’s creators, British Twins Sally A. Edwards and Sarah J. Edwards. Get inside creative minds with official stories and intimate photoshoots. A must for any aspiring creatives and lovers of music, art, culture and entertainment.
BLAG Vol.2 Nø 7
Double cover: James McAvoy / Kasabian
Theme: Surprise!
Featuring: James McAvoy, Kasabian, Rinko Kikuchi, The Adventures of Valentina PS3 stories, Janelle Monáe, Dynamo, Sleepy Brown, Grier Govorko, Absolut Vision with Dalek, Huang Yan, Paulina Magos, Stella Mouratidi, Oliver Lonien ‘Olli’, Sascha Lilic, Amy Winehouse, The Raconteurs, Zissou, Jo Ratcliffe, Fashion: Anthony Rossomando, Michele, A Girl Called Taupe, Ten Essential Ways To Boost Your Confidence by The Game and more.
100 Glossy Pages
Size: 23cm x 30cm x 0.5cm
Weight: 450g
ISSN: 1366-4522 17
Published in 2006
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